1. From TROMSØ you follow Vei 862 out of TROMSØ. You drive over the Tromsø bridge towards the beautiful Arctic Cathedral.

  2. Continue through Vei 862, which passes to E8.

  3. Go ahead E8 for about. 25 km to FAGERNES, where you turn to left on Vei 91. Here it is also well signposted BREIVIKEIDET FERGEKAI.

  4. From the crossing you need 25 minutes to the ferry berth. It is 20 km to the end of the road BREIVIKEIDET FERGEKAI.

  5. Take the ferry off BREIVIKEIDET to SVENSBY. When you get off the ferry, turn around left on FV312 against NORD-LENANGEN.

  6. 4 km after passing the small town JÆGERVATN, comes a sign two-way crossing. Take to right and continue towards NORD-LENANGEN.

  7. If you're going to spring LODGE, it is located approx. 17 km from the two-way intersection. It is marked with signs LYNGEN EXPERIENCE LODGE. A large brown cottage on the left side of the road.

  8. Are you going to ours APARTMENTS you drive 8 km further past LODGEN. Follow the road to the first crossroads, take right against RUSSELV. Toe right again at the next intersection, towards RUSSELV. Follow the road over the bridge and cross the fjord. After crossing the fjord, you drive approx. 1 km until you see LYNGEN EXPERIENCE and SANDNES BISTRO sign by the road. THE APARTMENTS is located down on the quay.

  9. Welcome! You can also look at the route maps below. 

Lyngen Experience Lodge

Lenangsveien 1656, 9068 Nord-Lenangen


Lyngen Experience Apartments

Sandnesveien 36, 9068 Nord-Lenangen